EUROQUADRI™ was first established in 1989 for the design and production of low voltage switchboards.
Over the years, it has consolidated its presence in the industry, becoming a benchmark for industrial automation, construction of transformer substations, medium voltage switchboards and in the field of renewable energy sources.
Our original vocation as a manufacturer of switchboards has naturally evolved into a broader range of global solutions for electrical systems and a top-notch "customer service". The combination of experience and innovation allows EUROQUADRI™ to provide its services to installers, industrial groups, manufacturers, and public and private agencies. The constant and ongoing technological updating of our staff, who are prepared, dynamic and flexible, allows EUROQUADRI™ to accompany and support its customers when it comes to all plant and energy needs and problems, developing the best solutions to achieve the prefigured goals. EUROQUADRI™ is an expert in the development of any type of electrical and electronic project. The partnerships EUROQUADRI™ has established with major partners and clients are a source of pride, and our commitment and guarantee of reliability and professionalism.
EUROQUADRI has established a quality policy whose main objective are ensuring customer satisfaction and the continual improvement of its processes and projects/products. Motivation, responsibility and expertise combined with the use of technologically advanced tools and resources, the continuous monitoring, research and testing of new products to ensure innovation and propose a variety of solutions and designed to "custom" are a guarantee of the service and support we provide to customers according to a well-established logic.
EUROQUADRI has always been mindful of the health and safety of its workers, spreading a culture of safety to all employees through briefing and training sessions, implementing all preventive forms to reduce injuries, accidents or the onset of occupational illnesses.
EUROQUADRI is committed not to offering - whether directly or indirectly, and guarantees none of its third parties do so either, directly or indirectly - payments, gifts or other favours to its customers or to public officers, or agents, managers or employees or other third parties in ways that are contrary to the law, directives, and standards of conduct (such as but not limited to the FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - U.S. law on the corruption of public officials - or, where applicable, the OECD - Convention against the corruption of public officials) and agrees to comply with all relevant laws, rules of conduct and regulations, ordinances and standards on Corruption.
EUROQUADRI S.r.l. has always been considerate of environmental issues and has a history of focusing on the use of resources in full respect for the environment.
Innovation is a hallmark of not only the products we develop, but also of our manufacturing processes. EUROQUADRI S.r.l. believes it is everyone’s duty to leave a better world than the one we found, which is why we have installed a photovoltaic system to supply the energy needs of our offices and are continually sensitive to environmental issues.
A long series of references that validate our corporate business with prestigious partnerships on behalf of leading partners*
Main References:
• A.T.A.C. di Roma (rimessa di Porta Maggiore - Roma)
• ANAS di Venezia (raccordo autostradale Verona Nord con stadio Bentegodi Verona)
• Autostrada Brescia - Padova (caselli di Verona Sud e Padova Ovest)
• Autostrada Messina - Palermo (casello di Messina - illuminazione e ventilazione gallerie)
• Autostrada Padova - Venezia (raccordo Aeroporto di Tessera)
• Banca Agricola Mantovana (sede e centro servizi di Mantova - filiali varie)
• Banca di Trento e Bolzano (sede di Trento)
• Banca d’Italia (sede di Verona)
• Banca Popolare di Verona BSGSP (filiali varie)
• Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna (filiali varie)
• Banca Popolare Vicentina (filiali varie)
• Banco Ambrosiano Veneto (centro servizi di Torri di Quartesolo - VI)
• Boehringer Mannaheim Italia S.p.A. (stabilimento di Monza - MI)
• Bristol Myers Squibb (ospedale di Akrihin in Russia e stabilimento in Egitto a Il Cairo)
• Cariverona Banca S.p.A. (filiali varie)
• Coca Cola Bevande Italia S.p.A. (stabilimento di Nogara - VR e Roma)
• Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane (sistemi di controllo piste telepass)
• ENEL (impiani tecnologici Centrale di Fiumesanto - SS)
• Fercad S.p.A. (sede di Vicenza)
• Finegli Editoriale S.p.A. (Gazzetta di Mantova)
• GlaxoSmithKline S.p.A. (quadri vari per sede di Verona e stabilimento di San Polo di Torrile - PR)
• Hotel Hilton di Milano (quadri di piano e servizi vari)
• Zambon Switzerland Ltd (stabilimento di Cadempino in Svizzera)
• Intendenza di Finanza (uffici finanziari di Trento)
• Ministero Poste e Telecomunicazione (centro telecomunicazioni di Verona)
• Ospedale Civile di Borgo Trento (Verona) (nuovi reparti)
• Ospedale Policlinico di Borgo Roma (Verona) (nuovi reparti)
• Ospedale Sacro Cuore di Negrar (Verona) (nuovi reparti)
• Rana S.p.A. (stabilimento di S.Giovanni Lupatoto - VR)
• Regione Veneto (ospedale U. Maddalena di Rovigo - consorzio acquedotto Medio Polesine)
• Serono Pharma S.p.A. (stabilimento di Modugno - BA)
• Teatro Malibran di Venezia (quadri M.T. e B.T.)
• Telecom Italia (centrale telefonica di San Donà di Piave - VE)
• Texas Instruments Italia S.p.A. (camera bianca - changing room CI 1.000)
• Banca BCI (quadri vari per centro servizi “T-Systems Italia S.p.A.”)
• Unilever Bestfoods Italia S.r.l (stabilimento di Sanguinetto - VR)
• Università degli Studi di Verona (facoltà di medicina Policlinico di Borgo Roma - VR)
• Uranio S.p.A. (quadri secondari nuova sede di Veronella - VR)
• KASHTAN Ltd KIEV (quadri per centro commerciale)
• Comune di Trento (quadri M.C .C . per il depuratore di Trento Sud)
• ENELPOWER centrale di Sermide (MN) modifiche su Power Center MCC esistenti
• A.M. GENERAL CONTRACTOR S.p.A. (Ansaldo Montaggi )( quadri per varie Centrali Elettriche)
• OSPEDALE DI TRENTO (quadro Power Center per le cucine 5000 A)
• STAZIONE AEROPORTUALE MILANO MALPENSA (vari quadri di distribuzione)
• LITOPAT S.p.A. di Bussolengo - VR ( vari quadri di distribuzione, automazione linee di stampa e climatizzazione )
• INDUSTRIA CASEARIA Virgilio - MN ( Quadri elettrici di controllo microclima per celle di stagionatura )
• NODAVIA S.C.P.A. Cabine MT/Bt in shelter per Cantiere Alta Velocità in Firenze
• ELLETRE S.r.l. (Marcegaglia S.p.A.) Shelter MT/BT per impianto Fotovoltaico 320 KWp - Da Ros - Lentiai (BL)
• ELLETRE S.r.l. (Marcegaglia S.p.A.) Cab.MT/BT imp. FTV 497+ 497 KWp - Garbin S.p.A., Cremonese H. spa - Villapaiera (BL)
• ELLETRE S.r.l. (Marcegaglia S.p.A.) Cab. MT/BT imp. Fotovoltaico 807+ 821+ 996 KWp - Garbin S.p.A. - Rasai (BL)
• ELLETRE S.r.l. (Marcegaglia S.p.A.) Quadro Gen. BT imp. FTV 990 KWp - Estel spa Arsiero (VI)
• ELLETRE S.r.l. (Marcegaglia S.p.A.) Shelter MT/BT per impianto Fotovoltaico 450 KWp - Estel spa Thiene (VI)
• ELLETRE S.r.l. (Marcegaglia S.p.A.) Shelter per impianto FTV 72 KWp - Baldini - Borgoforte (MN)
• ELLETRE S.r.l. (Marcegaglia S.p.A.) 5 Shelter MT/BT per FTV 4,4 MWp - Pianfei - Cuneo (CN)
• LAURI S.r.l. Impianti Fotovoltaici 2 x 79,35 KWp - z.i. Valdaro (MN)
• TORMEC S.r.l. impianto Fotovoltaico 50,60 KWp - Roncoferraro (MN)
• HOTEL SONKLARHOF S.r.l. opere MT su impianto di Cogenerazione 840 KW Val Ridanna Vipiteno (BZ)
• Raffineria a Azzawiya QBT per ABB S.p.A. - ( Libia )
• Raffineria in Cuba Quadri MCC per Nico Lopez ( Habana )
• ALPIQ Fornitura Shelter MT/BT per Fincantieri - Marghera (VE)
• Aeroporto Malpensa (MI) Quadri elettrici per conto GEMMO S.p.A. (VI)
• ALPIQ Fornitura Shelter MT per Fincantieri - Muggiano (SP)
• ABB S.p.A. QBT per Assicurazioni Generali Mogliano Veneto (TV)
• ELBRI S.r.l. Quadri BT per C Matic Giussano (MI)
Switchboards for a number of groups involved in food distribution such as:
• Nuovo polo pediatrico MEYER - Firenze
• RCS Quotidiani - Padova
• Autostrada A30 - Caserta - Salerno
• Hotel Villa Malaspina - Castel d’Azzano (VR)